Library Technology Reports vol. 58, no. 4 (May/June 2022), “US Census Data: Concepts and Applications for Supporting Research,” by Frank Donnelly
More than just a ten-year count, the US census is a collection of high-quality, geographically detailed, and free and open datasets that describe the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the nation on an ongoing basis. This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 58, no. 4), “US Census Data: Concepts and Applications for Supporting Research,” provides readers with a crash course on the census: learn about the concepts on which the census is organized, the key datasets, accessing data online and through scripts via APIs, and considerations for using GIS, historical data, and microdata. Librarians will gain knowledge they can use for assisting members of their communities with census data and will see how the census can be used for library planning and research.
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Frank Donnelly
Frank Donnelly
Frank Donnelly
Frank Donnelly
Frank Donnelly
Frank Donnelly
Frank Donnelly