Vol 55, No 3 (2019)


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/ltr.55n3

Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 3), "Micro-credentials and Digital Badges," edited by Emily Rimland and Victoria Raish

Digital badges, a type of micro-credential, have been heralded for the last five years as a key trend in education to provide competency-based pathways to learning. Micro-credentials allow for a unique way to teach students information literacy skills. Many libraries may be interested in implementing a micro-credentialing program but may have questions about design, mechanics, and sustainability. This report will give readers much of that background information. After reviewing the report, readers should be able to

  • define micro-credentials and the mechanics of using them
  • identify learning scenarios where micro-credentials can be beneficial
  • acknowledge the design considerations that are specific to badges
  • identify partnerships needed for a successful program
  • know the existing systems possible for building a micro-credentialing program for information literacy or library skills
  • feel empowered with knowledge to begin building a program

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Emily Rimland, Victoria Raish
Emily Rimland, Victoria Raish
Emily Rimland, Victoria Raish
Chris Gamrat, Brett Bixler
Emily Rimland, Victoria Raish
Emily Rimland, Victoria Raish
Emily Rimland, Victoria Raish
Emily Rimland, Victoria Raish