Chapter 4. Six Roadblocks to Designing Digital Badges

Chris Gamrat, Brett Bixler


Chapter 4 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 3), "Micro-credentials and Digital Badges," edited by Emily Rimland and Victoria Raish

Chapter 4 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 3), “Micro-credentials and Digital Badges,” offers a reflection on factors that may influence the speed of adoption of digital badges. The concept of digital badges or micro-credentials has existed for the better part of a decade. However, their adoption has remained largely in the realm of pilot projects. We suggest that slow badge adoption is due to both internal and external challenges. In this chapter, we present six large obstacles that prevent digital badges from catching on: variation in badge design, assessment transparency, complexities in badge design, badge examination, badge value proposition, and buy-in for badges. We conclude the chapter with a reflection on how to avoid these obstacles where possible.

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