Vol 56, No 4 (2020): May/June
Library Technology Reports vol. 56, no. 4 (May/June 2020), "Virtual Voice Assistants," by Win Shih and Erin Rivero
With the rapid advancement of voice technology, smart speaker devices have penetrated many US households and businesses. Voice assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google Assistant, are embedded in a slew of consumer products and IoTs. Digital assistants act as intelligent agents interacting with user voices, responding with answers and support.
This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 56, no. 4), “Virtual Voice Assistants,” first provides an overview of the technology behind smart speakers and voice assistants, also known as digital or virtual assistants. It further explores innovative uses of such technology in library and educational settings. Next, the report discusses related issues of ethics, privacy, security, and trust, concluding with a review of future trends and advice for decision makers preparing for integrating voice assistants in their organizations.
Vol 56, No 3 (2020): April
Library Technology Reports (vol. 56, no. 3), How to Create Free Digital Breakouts for Libraries,” by Ellyssa Kroski
Digital breakouts are immersive online experiences that pose exciting challenges for players and along with them opportunities for libraries to engage patrons while imparting learning outcomes and problem- solving skills. In this issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 56, no. 3), “How to Create Free Digital Breakouts for Libraries,” discover how libraries are using these tools to offer information literacy instruction, classroom support, youth programming, and even staff training and how you can create your own digital breakout adventures for your library today.
Vol 56, No 2 (2020): February/March
Library Technology Reports (vol. 56, no. 2), “Moving Forward with Digital Disruption: What Big Data, IoT, Synthetic Biology, AI, Blockchain, and Platform Businesses Mean to Libraries,” by Bohyun Kim
Digital disruption, also known as “the fourth industrial revolution,” is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 56, no. 2), “Moving Forward with Digital Disruption: What Big Data, IoT, Synthetic Biology, AI, Blockchain, and Platform Businesses Mean to Libraries,” examines today’s leading-edge technologies and their disruptive impacts on our society through examples such as extended reality, Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT), synthetic biology, 3-D bio-printing, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and platform businesses in the sharing economy. This report explains (1) how new digital technologies are merging the physical and the biological with the digital; (2) what kind of transformations are taking place as a result in production, management, and governance; and (3) how libraries can continue to innovate with new technologies while keeping a critical distance from the rising ideology of techno-utopianism and at the same time contributing to social good.
Vol 56, No 1 (2020): January
Library Technology Reports (vol. 56, no. 1), “Digital Rights Management and Books,” by Mirela Roncevic
Digital rights management. Anyone who has in any way dealt with digital content in the past two decades has come across this term. It is talked about and written about in the context of all content disseminated digitally—books, films, music, and video games. It is the topic at every library and digital publishing conference and the subject of countless scholarly articles dedicated to trying to understand its impact. This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 56, no. 1), “Digital Rights Management and Books,” discusses digital rights management (DRM) in the context of books—popular and academic—and all who are part of the publishing ecosystem, including authors, readers, publishers, educators, researchers, librarians, and information scientists. Its aim is to provide a thorough analysis of what DRM is, what its main purpose is, what its legal implications are, who it affects, how it works, why it matters, why some believe it has done more harm than good for books and authors as well as libraries, what its challenges remain to this day, what may be possible solutions to those challenges, and what the future holds for DRM, including both those who support it (usually publishers) and those who vehemently oppose it (usually readers and librarians). Lastly, this report points to new ways in which DRM can be approached in the future and ways in which piracy and illegal online activities can be overcome more successfully.
Vol 55, No 8 (2019): November/December
Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 8), “Blockchain in Libraries,” by Michael Meth
This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 8), “Blockchain in Libraries,” examines the application of blockchain in libraries. Blockchain technology has the ability to transform how libraries provide services and organize information. To date, most of these applications are still in the conceptual stage. However, sooner or later, development and implementation will follow. This report is intended to provide a primer on the technology and some thought starters. In chapter 2, the concept of blockchain is explained. Chapter 3 provides eight thought and conversation starters that look at how blockchain could be applied in libraries. Chapter 4 looks at the barriers and challenges of implementing blockchain in libraries. Chapter 5 raises some questions around ethical issues that librarians should consider with respect to blockchain implementation.
Vol 55, No 7 (2019): October
Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 7), “Protecting Privacy on Library Websites: Critical Technologies and Implementation Trends,” by Marshall Breeding
This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 7), “Protecting Privacy on Library Websites: Critical Technologies and Implementation Trends,” explores the issues and technologies needed to deploy a library website with adequate protections for the privacy of those who visit. Without the implementation of standard encryption components, the online information-seeking activities of website visitors are vulnerable to exposure. Even when a site is properly encrypted, privacy can be circumvented through tracking agents placed on the site for analytics or advertising. Following discussion of the technical issues with implications for user privacy, this report includes the results of a broad study of the state of practice for these privacy-related technologies among public and academic libraries in the United States. This study reveals great progress among these libraries in the strengthening of privacy on their websites, though substantial gaps remain.
Vol 55, No 6 (2019): August/September
Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 6), “Planning and Implementing a Sustainable Digital Preservation Program,” by Erin Baucom
More and more libraries are scaling up their digitization, digital scholarship, digital archiving, and data management programs. All of this effort could be lost to a major failure of technology, a shift in administrative priorities, or a loss of institutional memory. The loss would not be just the materials themselves, but also the resources used to build and promote these collections to users. Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 6), “Planning and Implementing a Sustainable Digital Preservation Program,” will help libraries assess their current abilities, determine what they are committed to preserving, develop administrative and technological support, and create a digital preservation program that will be sustainable through organizational and technological change.
Vol 55, No 5 (2019): July
Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 5), “Digital Media and Library Instruction,” edited by Heather Moorefield-Lang
Professionals in the field of librarianship are creative when it comes to the delivery of information and instruction. If face-to-face options aren’t available, we take to digital means, and there are so many options out there. Podcasting, vlogging, and edutubing are just some of them. In this issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 5), read about a librarian and his podcast, a blogging librarian, a library professor with educational YouTube channels, and recommendations for strong flipped instruction delivery from the classroom or library.
Vol 55, No 4 (2019): May/June
Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 4), “Librarians as Online Course Designers and Instructors,” edited by Lucy Santos Green
In this issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 4), “Librarians as Online Course Designers and Instructors,” the authors explore how librarians can apply research-based practices for instructional design and online pedagogy when designing and delivering instruction for fully online learning settings. This report explains the role of librarians in online learning—as designers, instructors, or co-teachers. Throughout this report, the contributing authors address various considerations of online learning—ranging from fostering community and integrating social media to dealing with issues specific to online K–12 learning and to assessment and evaluation. Throughout, resources and recommended readings are provided.
Vol 55, No 3 (2019): April
Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 3), "Micro-credentials and Digital Badges," edited by Emily Rimland and Victoria Raish
Digital badges, a type of micro-credential, have been heralded for the last five years as a key trend in education to provide competency-based pathways to learning. Micro-credentials allow for a unique way to teach students information literacy skills. Many libraries may be interested in implementing a micro-credentialing program but may have questions about design, mechanics, and sustainability. This report will give readers much of that background information. After reviewing the report, readers should be able to
- define micro-credentials and the mechanics of using them
- identify learning scenarios where micro-credentials can be beneficial
- acknowledge the design considerations that are specific to badges
- identify partnerships needed for a successful program
- know the existing systems possible for building a micro-credentialing program for information literacy or library skills
- feel empowered with knowledge to begin building a program
Vol 55, No 2 (2019): February/March
Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 2), "Mastering Mobile through Social Media: Creating Engaging Content on Instagram and Snapchat," by Paige Alfonzo
In this issue of Library Technology Reports, Paige Alfonzo explores the ways libraries can maximize their presence on Instagram and/or Snapchat, paying special attention to the transitory world of Instagram and Snapchat Stories. She starts with a mini-case study based on interviews she conducted with 11 standout library professionals who are using the aforementioned platforms in very effective ways. She then builds upon these ideas to bring you a series of practical ideas, tools, and resources you can implement to enhance your library’s content on these primarily mobile applications. This report can be used by individuals at any stage of the marketing process from considering if your library is ready for Snapchat and/or Instagram to finding new ways to craft fresh content on your established account(s). Currently used by many librarians to tap into the exclusive world of the teen to young adult crowd, Instagram and Snapchat provide a unique and valuable communicative avenue to reach these demographics. The intention of this report is to provide you with considerations for platform management and offer new ideas and concepts to get your creative juices flowing.
Vol 55, No 1 (2019): January
Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 1), “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Libraries,” Edited by Jason Griffey
This issue of Library Technology Reports argues that the near future of library work will be enormously impacted and perhaps forever changed as a result of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems becoming commonplace. It will do so through both essays on theory and predictions of the future of these systems in libraries and also through essays on current events and systems currently being developed in and by libraries. A variety of librarians will discuss their own AI and machine learning projects, how they implemented AI and to what ends, and what they see as useful for the future of libraries in considering AI systems and services. This report concludes with a discussion of possibilities and potentials for using AI in libraries and library science.
Vol 54, No 8 (2018): November/December
Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 8), “Index-Based Discovery Services: Current Market Positions and Trends,” by Marshall Breeding
Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 8), “Index-Based Discovery Services: Current Market Positions and Trends,” provides an updated look at the realm of discovery products implemented in libraries, focusing especially on how these products have been implemented in academic libraries. The scope of this issue focuses primarily on index-based discovery services. This genre of products was established in 2009 and has since become a mainstay of academic libraries. Despite broad interest, the number of players in this product category has remained limited and constant. Throughout the report, Marshall Breeding shares data he has gathered describing the use of the following discovery services among colleges and universities in the United States: WorldCat Discovery Service and its predecessor WorldCat Local from OCLC, Summon and Primo from Ex Libris, and EBSCO Discovery Service from EBSCO Information Services. Almost a decade has transpired since the introduction of these products. Libraries have made a substantial economic investment during that period, which warrants a look at some of the patterns in which discovery services have been implemented in libraries and what trends we may anticipate in the future.
Vol 54, No 7 (2018): October
Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 7), “Video in Libraries,” by David Lee King
In this issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 7), “Video in Libraries,” David Lee King explores how libraries can leverage videos’ popularity to share information and enhance their marketing efforts. He explains why libraries should make and post videos and strategies for creating video content. Throughout this report, King covers varying aspects of making and sharing videos—from best practices to video content creation, including the types of equipment, tools, and staff resources you’ll need to start incorporating video into your library outreach and marketing.
Vol 54, No 6 (2018): August/September
Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 6), “Virtual and Augmented Reality in Libraries,” by Hannah Pope
This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 6), “Virtual and Augmented Reality in Libraries,” provides an overview of virtual and augmented reality (VAR) and how it can be used effectively in libraries. The report covers how to build a VAR library program and discusses devices best suited to meet your library’s needs and budget. Chapter 1 delves into the history of virtual and augmented reality and how it has become more accessible to library users. In chapter 2, Pope discusses the use of virtual and augmented reality in libraries and how these technologies are being used to enhance patron learning. Chapter 3 takes a look at the available VAR devices for libraries and recommends which setup works best for varying library types, taking into consideration different space constraints and library budgets. Chapter 4 looks at user engagement and potential real-world applications of virtual and augmented reality. The final chapter delves into the future of virtual and augmented reality and how libraries are able to help shape that future.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018): July
Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 5), “Integrating the Library in the Learning Management System,” Amanda Clossen, Editor
Library resource integration in a local learning management system (LMS) can be streamlined through the application of the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard, which allows connectivity between the LMS and other learning tools. Despite its convenience, the implementation of an LTI tool can be a complicated process both technically and administratively. This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 5), “Integrating the Library in the Learning Management System,” follows the case study of the Pennsylvania State University Libraries’ large-scale implementation of Springshare’s LTI tool within Canvas. Beginning with the data gathering that guided our strategy, this report will cover the technical aspects of implementation, with a focus on guides and reserves. Our exploration into embedding librarians within Canvas will also be addressed, as well as our outreach and assessment efforts. Through Penn State’s experience, major roadblocks and pain points will be illustrated, as well as ways to anticipate and easily overcome these challenges.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018): May/June
Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 4), “Accessibility, Technology, and Librarianship,” Heather Moorefield Lang, Editor
This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 4), “Accessibility, Technology, and Librarianship,” edited by Heather Moorefield-Lang, looks into the wide definition of accessibility for library patrons, both face-to-face and online, within the area of instruction. This topic is discussed in some depth in schools of library science as well as in faculty development and instructional design. This report will encourage readers to think more critically about the technologies that faculty and staff use to address the needs of all patrons served. This report will also aid in identifying and using new methods for addressing the needs of all patrons through a wide range of modalities (closed-captioning, transcription, sign language, video, text to speech, image to text, etc.).
Vol 54, No 3 (2018): April
Privacy and Security Online: Best Practices for Cybersecurity, by Nicole Hennig
It seems that every day there is news of a security breach or invasion of privacy. From ransomware to widespread breaches of private data, the news is full of scare stories. Luckily, there are strategies you can implement and actions you can take to reduce your risk. You can learn to see beyond the hype of media scare stories and better understand what’s worth paying attention to by following certain best practices. Using advice from security experts, this issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 3), “Privacy and Security Online: Best Practices for Cybersecurity,” discusses the difference between possible threats and likely risks. Hennig discusses security best practices for password managers, backing up data, using public Wi-Fi, mobile devices, mobile payment systems, private browsing, social media, and more. The report provides advice on how to make your own security plan and concludes with ideas for sharing this information with library users and a bibliography of resources.
Vol 54, No 2 (2018): February/March
How to Stay on Top of Emerging Technology Trends for Libraries, by David Lee King
Technology has changed the face of libraries and is continuing to change how we work and how we deliver services to our library customers. This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 2), “How to Stay on Top of Emerging Technology Trends for Libraries,” focuses on personal strategies you can follow to keep up with emerging technology trends and provides you with suggestions for how you can incorporate these trends into your library. This report explores four major areas: why you should stay on top of technology trends, the trend watchers you should follow and how to follow them, practical ways to incorporate new technology trends into your library, and how to prepare for and know when not to pursue current trends. The goal of this issue of Library Technology Reports is to help you become better prepared for technology changes now and in the future.
Vol 54, No 1 (2018): January
Library Spaces and Smart Buildings: Technology, Metrics, and Iterative Design, edited by Jason Griffey
We are on the edge of a huge set of technological changes that will alter how we can measure library spaces. New advances in sensor technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer vision, and more have brought the ability to monitor spaces in ways that were previously unthinkable. In Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 1), “Library Spaces and Smart Buildings: Technology, Metrics, and Iterative Design,” I’ll explore these technologies and provide librarians and other interested parties with a look into what’s possible in the current state of technology for smart library buildings. Looking at three different projects that involved space metrics and analysis in libraries, this report shows how Virginia Tech; Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; and the Measure the Future project are using technological tools to analyze library spaces to improve their environment for their users. Virginia Tech is researching how furniture movement acts as a stand-in for patron activity. Concordia University experimented with a project that monitored noise levels. The Measure the Future project is using computer vision to see how patrons move around in library spaces and derive “attention” measures from those movements while doing so with a strong protection on any sort of identification of patrons. Finally, we will look at what the next five to ten years of technological progress will bring and how that might change the possibilities for a smart library.