
Maximizing School Librarian Leadership: Building Connections for Learning and Advocacy. By Judi Moreillon. Chicago: ALA, 2018. 206 p. Paper $54.99 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1525-7).

In Maximizing School Librarian Leadership, Moreillon blends the 2018 AASL National School Library Standards and the concepts of Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in your School by Carol Kuhlthau, Leslie Maniotes, and Ann Caspari (Libraries Unlimited, 2012). Moreillon tasks the school librarian to join the school leadership team in promoting inquiry learning through advocacy and professional development. By helping their school build a culture that supports a shared vision, the school librarian can help teachers embrace new ways of teaching with inquiry learning. Moreillon does an outstanding job of showing how the AASL standards and the Guided Inquiry Design (GID) model combined creates a deeper learning experience for students. The book outlines multiple strategies for inquiry learning but focuses primarily on using the GID model.

Moreillon stresses that a large part of the leadership role for school librarians lies in actively collaborating with teachers to design classroom learning. She gives examples of effective ways for the school librarian to coteach with the classroom teacher and provides a “Co-planning and Co-teaching Assessment” worksheet to help teachers and school librarians measure their success. As a coteacher, the school librarian is able to share their knowledge of resources available for research, assist in curation of information, and play a role in the assessment of learning outcomes. By actively participating in a coteaching role, the school librarian is able to emphasize their role as a central part of the school leadership team.

This book provides a nice tie-in between the 2018 AASL standards and inquiry learning, helping school librarians easily see the correlation between the two. Each chapter of Maximizing School Librarian Leadership includes discussion questions, activities, and reflection prompts so that school librarians, teachers, and administrators can easily use the book for collaborative learning. Moreillon also provides a link to her website, which hosts a book study of this work and a blog for further learning.—Elaine Warner, Technology Engagement Coordinator, Norman Public Schools, Norman, Oklahoma


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