Chapter 7. Assessment and Evaluation in Online Learning

Ross A. Perkins


Chapter 7 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 4), “Librarians as Online Course Designers and Instructors,” edited by Lucy Santos Green

Conducting an evaluation or assessment of online instruction requires a person to carefully consider stakeholders, context, conditions, and audience. Those with a systems perspective and a systematic approach are able to plan an evaluation, collect data, analyze it, and report results in a way that is useful for decisions of all kinds. Quality evaluations or assessments positively impact instructional design decisions, content delivery options, program retention discussions, and technology adoption. Chapter 7 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 4), “Librarians as Online Course Designers and Instructors,” addresses how to evaluate and assess online learning and how to do so in a way that is systemic and systematic.

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