Chapter 5. Existing Outside of the Learning Management System

Tonia A. Dousay


Chapter 5 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 4), “Librarians as Online Course Designers and Instructors,” edited by Lucy Santos Green

Curating, designing, and implementing instructional programming as a librarian often comes with an added challenge of not having access to a traditional learning management system. While some tools are free or might provide a complete packaged solution, a variety of learner and community factors help determine what types of content to make available and the best approaches to use. These approaches bring with them inherent challenges and risks that must be considered, including legal policies and equitable access. Chapter 5 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 55, no. 4), “Librarians as Online Course Designers and Instructors,” presents a concise framework to help librarians navigate the decision-making, including potential tools, required to make resources available online.

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