About the Authors Alternate Title: ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom et al. | |
Abstract |
This issue of Library Technology Reports, conceived and coordinated by the American Library Association' (ALA) Office for Intellectual Freedom, focuses on current topics and concerns around the intersections of technology, security, and intellectual freedom in libraries. As libraries increasingly move beyond the provision of print material and into their expanding roles as providers of digital resources and services, intellectual freedom concerns have been magnified as they apply to a range of complex new issues. A number of prominent library professionals contributed their expertise for this issue. Authors and topics include Barbara M. Jones on Libraries, Technology and the Culture of Privacy; Eli Neiburger on User-Generated Content; Sarah Houghton-Jan on Internet Filtering; Jason Griffey on Social Networking and the Library; and Deborah Caldwell-Stone on RFID in Libraries. |
Angela Maycock serves as assistant director of the Office for Intellectual Freedom at the American Library Association. She provides guidance and support to librarians, teachers, and others on the application of ALA's intellectual freedom policies and the First Amendment in specific situations involving materials challenges and confidentiality in the library. She also undertakes projects to educate librarians and the general public about intellectual freedom issues through speaking engagements, conference programming, and initiatives such as ALA's National Conversation on Privacy. Angela is passionate about connecting librarians with the resources they need to confront the complex challenges to intellectual freedom in libraries today. Prior to her work at ALA, Angela served as reference and instruction librarian at the Michigan State University Libraries. She received her MS in library science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and her BA in English from Penn State University.
Barbara M. Jones is the director of the Office for Intellectual Freedom at the American Library Association. She received her PhD in U.S. history from the University of Minnesota and her MLS from Columbia University. She has spent most of her career as an academic librarian, her most recent post being university librarian at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. She has served on a number of intellectual freedom committees at ALA and recently was a member of the FAIFE Committee (Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression) for the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). She has conducted training sessions on freedom of expression in Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa, Japan, and the Philippines. She has written extensively on the topic of intellectual freedom, her most recent book being Protecting Intellectual Freedom in Your Academic Library, published by ALA Editions in 2009
Eli Neiburger is the associate director for IT and production at the Ann Arbor (Michigan) District Library, where he is responsible for software development, digitization, events and marketing. He is the author of Gamers … in the LIBRARY?!” (ALA Editions, 2007) and is working a new book titled Did You Reboot IT? Inside and beyond the Library-IT Culture Wars.
Sarah Houghton-Jan is the digital futures manager for the San José Public Library. Sarah writes the award-winning blog about library technology, Librarian In Black. She is also the author of the book Technology Training in Libraries. Sarah is a frequent consultant, speaker, and trainer on issues of libraries, technology, and user experience design. Sarah was named a 2009 Library Journal Mover and Shaker as a Trendspotter.
Jason Griffey is an associate professor and head of library information technology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. His latest book, Mobile Technology and Libraries, is now available as a part of Neal Schuman's Tech Set. Jason's previous book, Library Blogging, with Karen A Coombs, is available through Amazon. He can be stalked obsessively at www.jasongriffey.net and at Pattern Recognition, his personal blog. He is the author of the American Libraries Perpetual Beta blog (http://bit.ly/perpetualbeta), and is also a columnist for the ALA Techsource blog (www.ts.ala.org/blogs/jason-griffey). Jason was named one of Library Journal’s Movers and Shakers in 2009 and is regularly invited to speak on libraries, the social economy, mobile technology, and other technology-related issues. He spends his free time with his daughter, Eliza, reading, obsessing over gadgets, and preparing for the inevitable zombie uprising.
Deborah Caldwell-Stone is deputy director of the American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom, where she works on initiatives promoting the defense of the First Amendment freedom to read and the application of constitutional law to library policies, principles, and problems. An attorney by training, she now works closely with librarians, teachers, and library trustees on a wide range of intellectual freedom issues, including book challenges, Internet filtering, meeting room policies, and the impact of new technologies and the USA PATRIOT Act on library privacy and confidentiality. She is on the faculty of the ALA-sponsored Lawyers for Libraries and Law for Librarians workshops and speaks frequently to library groups around the country. Before she joined ALA in 2000, Deborah practiced appellate law before the state and federal courts in Chicago, Illinois. She earned her law degree with honors from Chicago-Kent College of Law at the Illinois Institute of Technology and is currently a student in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science's MSLIS program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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