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Muhawe, Christopher, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (United States)
Muir, Scott P.


Neal, Sherry V., David T. Howard Middle School (United States)
Nelson, Sarah Beth, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater (United States)
Ness, Nili, San Francisco Public Library


Olmeda, Sharaya (United States)
Oltmann, Shannon M.
Oltmann, Shannon M., University of Kentucky
Otto, Eric C., Florida Gulf Coast University (United States)


Parks, Cecelia, University of Mississippi (United States)
Patterson, Sarah, University of Kentucky
Pedley, Paul (United Kingdom)
Pokornowski, Ess, Ithaka S+R
Powell, Ivor
Price, Richard S., Weber State University (United States)
Probst, Sarah Noel, The University of Alabama (United States)
Pulliam, Melodi, University of Kentucky (United States)


Reichman, Hank
Reichman, Henry
Reynolds, Stephanie
Richardson, Wade Franklin (United States)
Ridinger, Robert
Roberts, Franklin D.
Robinson, Mike
Ronda, Michelle, Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) CUNY (United States)
Ruth, Jennifer


Samek, Toni, University of Alberta
Sariz, Inci, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (United States)
Schultz-Richert, Christine, University of Alabama (United States)
Sempek, Ross Allan, Oregon Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee (United States)
Shropshire, Amy Leota (United States)
Sotilleo, Sophia
Spiering, Jenna (United States)
Steele, Jennifer Elaine, The University of Southern Mississippi
Steele, Jennifer Elaine, The University of Southern Mississippi (United States)
Stephens, Ronnie K., University of Texas at Arlington (United States)
Stone, David R.
Stroshane, Eric
Suzuki, Tadayuki, SUNY Cortland (United States)
Swauger, Shea, University of Colorado Denver
Szetela, Adam, Cornell University
Szydlowski, Nick, San José State University (United States)


Tanaka, Kurtis, Ithaka S+R
Thomas, Deborah A., ExLibris Association (Canada)
Thomas, Sabrina, Marshall University (United States)
Thomas, Sabrina, University Libraries, Marshall University
Turchyn, Sylvia
Twiss, Tom, Faculty Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh (United States)


Utheim, Ragnhild, Purchase College, SUNY (United States)


Van Hyning, Victoria, University of Maryland, College of Information Studies (United States)

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