Participatory Approaches for Designing and Sustaining Privacy-Oriented Library Services

Scott W. H. Young, Paige Walker, Shea Swauger, Michelle J. Gibeault, Sara Mannheimer, Jason A. Clark


Privacy is a long-held value of information professionals, but new technologies of the contemporary digital age pose new risks to privacy. In an effort to build participatory, profession-wide action in support of designing privacy-oriented library services, two groups were formed with the goal of generating ideas and sustaining action: the National Forum on Web Privacy and Web Analytics, and Digital Library Federation Technologies of Surveillance Working Group. In this paper, members of these two groups present case study descriptions and analysis via reflective self-assessment. The authors discuss how these groups can serve as models of participatory action for integrating the value of privacy into the design of library services, technologies, policy, and outreach.

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