
Last Word: Passing Early Literacy Skills on to Others

Stephanie Bange is a longtime ALSC member and retired children’s librarian from Ohio.

Stephanie Bange and her husband reading to their daughter.

Photo by Stephanie Bange

While working for the Redwood City (CA) Public Library in the 1980s, I became a new mother. I sang songs, chanted Mother Goose rhymes, and recited short poems to my daughter while changing her diaper, nursing and burping her, and waiting in line at the store, knowing these were keys to enjoying the rhythm and rhyme of words, to build vocabulary, and to begin her love of reading.

She was eight weeks old when I first read aloud to her with a book in my lap. We found this experience very satisfying, as she enjoyed our closeness and listened to the words. My husband and I read aloud to both of our daughters as part of our bedtime ritual for years. Needless to say, they loved this time.

ALSC members have a golden opportunity to role model early literacy and to give parents tools.

It is rewarding to see both my daughters as mothers today—reading to their children to instill a love of reading in them. Imagine my joy when watching Loren Long read his book Otis (Philomel, 2009) to my seven-week-old grandson, Otis! &


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