Encyclopedia of Public Health: Principles, Peoples, and Programs. Edited by Sally Kuykendall. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2018. 2 vols. Acid-free $198 (ISBN 978-1-61069-982-2). E-book Available (978-1-61069-983-9), call for pricing.
The Encyclopedia of Public Health: Principles, Peoples, and Programs, a new addition to Greenwood’s health reference catalog, provides a solid resource for libraries looking for a good, low-cost encyclopedia for their public health collection. Dr. Sally Kuykendall, the editor, is a professor of health services at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and an independent evaluator of public health programs. She has assembled a knowledgeable team of public health experts, health scientists, and medical historians as contributors, who present topics relating to public health in an easily-readable format for general readers. The two volumes present signed articles alphabetically by entry, with cross-references and bibliographies. The text is scattered throughout with black and white illustrations. Both volumes contain a contents section, a guide to related topics that groups articles by theme, a chronology, and an introduction. Volume 2 contains a glossary, a list of organizations and contributors, and a comprehensive index, as well as a section on “Controversies in public health,” which discusses hot button issues like anti-vaccination trends and health care for undocumented immigrants. Kuykendall maintains an even tone and fair treatment of all sides, allowing both pro- and anti-sides of an issue their say.
Given the length restriction of a two-volume set, it is understandable that not all topics are going to be exhaustively covered, but Kuykendall and her authors have done an excellent job of covering the main public health areas of interest. If there is one negative, it would be that Kuykendall has written many of the articles herself or with contributors; more diversity in the voices contributing to the volume would be welcome. However, that is a small quibble for a good resource.
There is a plethora of public health encyclopedias out there, including Academic Press’ multi-volume International Encyclopedia of Public Health (2017), Springer’s Encyclopedia of Public Health (2008), and Gale’s Encyclopedia of Public Health (second edition expected in 2020). However, some of these are either dated or quite expensive. At its $198 price point, the Encyclopedia of Public Health: Principles, Peoples, and Programs is a solid, affordable resource for libraries needing public health information for general readers. Recommended for upper level K–12 students, undergraduates, and public libraries.—Amanda K. Sprochi. Health Sciences Cataloger, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
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