
Successful Campus Outreach for Academic Libraries: Building Community through Collaboration. Edited by Peggy Keeran and Carrie Forbes. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018. 250 p. Paper $95.00 (ISBN 978-1538113707).

Outreach is an increasingly important responsibility for academic libraries, fulfilling the library’s own mission and supporting the wider institution’s goals around retention and student success. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to connect outreach initiatives to desired outcomes. Into this knowledge gap step Peggy Keeran and Carrie Forbes, who have edited a collection of outreach initiatives and strategies organized around four key elements of a successful outreach program: strategic vision and planning, program development and implementation, community outreach, and expanding outreach audiences. Individual chapter authors come from large and small universities in both public and private contexts, and present library outreach initiatives from the United States, Canada, and Indonesia.

Part 1 includes three chapters on the elements of successfully preparing a new outreach program. Most broadly applicable is Rosan Mitola’s “Plan, Prioritize, and Partner” model for designing events and other outreach initiatives. Part 2 explores program development and implementation, and presents three case studies of implementing outreach programs for specialized audiences or using new technologies. Part 3 steps beyond the campus boundaries to explore initiatives that target the wider community—of particular note here is Paul Mascareñas’ and Janet Lee’s discussion of Regis University’s information literacy outreach initiative at a local “feeder” high school. Part 4 encourages readers to think outside the box with outreach strategies and audiences, examining ways to engage students at Canadian polytechnic universities, launching a Student Advisory Board, or focusing on meeting the unique needs of graduate students.

Keeran and Forbes have assembled a collection that both provides examples of successful outreach initiatives and possible frameworks for a library to use in designing its own programs. This book deserves a space on every outreach public librarians’ reference shelf and can be useful to academic library administrators interested in finding synergies between library outreach goals and the larger strategic vision of the institution the library serves. Beyond the library, university marketing and student affairs administrators may find this book an interesting read as well, given the emphasis on the role of collaboration within all of the chapters. It also provides non-librarians with a useful overview in how the library can serve as a partner in broader university outreach and marketing initiatives.—Sarah Clark, Dean and University Librarian, La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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