
Your Passport to International Librarianship. By Cate Carlyle and Dee Winn. Chicago: ALA, 2018. 132 p. Paper $49.99 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1718-3).

For those interested in recharging their career, exploring new places, or gaining unique experience, Carlyle and Winn’s approachable and pragmatic volume Your Passport to International Librarianship will prove useful. The book covers the entire process of working internationally as a librarian, including visiting libraries while on personal vacations, as well as volunteering with international organizations, such as library nonprofits. The authors cover the benefits of international travel and volunteering, preparations necessary both personally and professionally, personal experiences, and advice for collaborating with your host library after returning home.

Each chapter also pulls out quotes from experienced international librarians and their host librarians to add more voices to the narrative. Written in a conversational tone, the advice comes across as a well-travelled friend giving you advice and ends with a useful resource list, providing those dreaming of working abroad a jumping-off point. It is also important to note that the book does discuss being a humble traveler and not bringing a colonizing attitude when working internationally.

The main limitation of the book is that while the authors cover the many possible avenues for international librarianship, they focus mainly on their own experiences. This results in Librarians Without Borders getting the majority of coverage in the book, although the authors acknowledge this and offer information on other opportunities. For this same reason they are also able to offer in-depth coverage, advice, and personal anecdotes, which makes the book enjoyable and relatable.

The book is an excellent starting place for working internationally as a librarian, most likely as a volunteer. It is a useful read for any library professional or library school student interested in pursuing an international library adventure.—Jessica Martinez, Assistant Professor, Science Librarian, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho


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