Encyclopedia of Rape and Sexual Violence. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2018. 2 vols. Acid-free $182 (ISBN 978-1-4408-4489-8). E-book available (978-1-4408-4490-4), call for pricing.
Encyclopedia of Rape and Sexual Violence is a two-volume work that tackles a very important and sensitive topic using historical and current events, the law, and statistical information to educate on sexual violence and its impact on society. It contains twenty chapters, arranged alphabetically, that extensively discuss the different forms of rape and sexual violence. The entries are well researched, thorough, and objective in tone, and they feature prominent legal cases, statistics, and events that are pertinent to the selected topics.
It is important to note that this is not the editor’s first treatment of this topic. In 2004, Encyclopedia of Rape was published with the intention to “take a new approach to the examination and understanding of an old problem: rape” (vii). Unfortunately, a lot has happened in the fourteen years since the original volume’s publication, so this reexamination feels both appropriate and necessary. In the Encyclopedia of Rape and Sexual Violence, there are chapters as opposed to entries, which allow the reader to gain a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the topic. A good example that shows the difference in the depth of coverage in both publications is the treatment of “campus rape.” In the 2004 publication, there is a two-page entry that defines the act, provides statistics, and briefly discusses reporting, prosecution, campus justice, and safety precautions. In contrast, the 2018 publication contains a thirty-six-page chapter that offers a comprehensive overview of the topic. This volume still offers the definitions and statistics, but it goes deeper into the topic and examines the side effects of rape on the victims’ lives, discusses worldwide issues and events, lists major laws, and details major failures both in the United States and internationally to better protect students. This development makes this current volume useful to a larger audience.
This is an excellent and informative resource that provides objective and thoughtful entries. It is not the only volume of its kind, but it is unique in the depth it achieves when treating a topic. Although this is a relatively expensive reference resource, I would recommend it as an essential resource for libraries, as it would be useful to a wide range of students and professionals.—Marissa Ellermann, Head of Circulation Services Librarian, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois
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