
Framing Information Literacy: Teaching Grounded in Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice (Vols. 1–6). By M. K. Oberlies & J. L. Mattson. Chicago: ACRL, 2018. 1066 p. Paper $200.00 (ISBN-13: 978-0-8389-8937-1).

This series successfully multitasks as a resource for lesson plan ideas while also teaching instructional theory and pedagogy. With one volume for each of the six frames in ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, this set is about practical applications of the frames in academic library instruction. Each volume includes complete lesson plans, including handouts and assessment ideas. The plans are grouped by discipline and the beginning of each plan designates the intended population and the learning theory, pedagogy, or instructional strategy used in the lesson. What is missing from these descriptions is whether the lesson is best suited to one-shot or multiple sessions, ideal class size, and how long the lesson takes. While such notations would make it easier for readers looking for ideas to quickly implement, this series is better suited to readers looking for clever concepts that they can adapt to their needs.

What makes this series unique from lesson plan databases, such as CORA or the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox, is that it informs readers of teaching theories and pedagogies. Some of the concepts covered in the series include meta-literacy, constructivism, scaffolding, and transformative learning. These explanations precede each lesson plan, which reinforces comprehension by allowing readers to see what the concept looks like in action. Every lesson plan also includes an interpretation of the frame covered in each volume, which helps facilitate in-depth understanding of the framework through interesting perspectives from fellow instructing librarians.

The majority of the lesson plans are designated for undergraduate students, however the explanations of the concepts behind the lesson empower the reader to adapt as needed. Many of the lessons are the kinds of ideas that make me want to revise all the lesson plans I’m currently using. I appreciate the broad survey of pedagogical theories, as I can easily compare different approaches and gage the success of my own teaching strategies accordingly. As an academic librarian fascinated by (but lacking the necessary education in) instructional theory and pedagogy, I want to keep this set on my office bookshelf for frequent reference.—Marla Lobley, Public Services Librarian, East Central University, Ada, Oklahoma


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