
Leading for School Librarians: There Is No Other Option. By Hilda K. Weisberg. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, 2017. 176 p. Paper $45 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1510-3).

Funding cuts to school libraries and librarians are the norm in today’s budget climate, and librarians need specific skills to ensure that school libraries survive and thrive. Weisberg’s book is an all-in-one guide for school librarians. It is organized in three parts: (1) “Safe First Steps to Leadership,” (2) “Building Your Leadership Skills,” and (3) “Playing Larger.” Part 1 includes information for librarians about developing mission and vision statements, creating a welcoming environment for students and teachers, and understanding the differences between being a classroom teacher and being a school librarian. Part 2 addresses leadership development, from discovery of one’s strengths to continuous improvement as a leader to improvement of one’s communication skills. Part 3 covers moving leadership outside of the library by developing a strategic plan, staying visible and current, and giving back to oneself.

This is a book that both beginning and experienced librarians will find useful. For new librarians, part 1 will provide the tools to create a positive environment, to consider the mission of the library, to manage classes and students in the library, and to become an expert teacher. For librarians who want to become better leaders, part 2 provides tools for self-reflection and best practices for leading. Part 3 shows librarians how to make themselves visible as leaders, encourages them to grow their network, and to give back to the librarian profession. This is a comprehensive book that includes valuable information for school librarians, no matter their level of experience. Any school librarian or school district could use this book to ensure that their librarians and library program are seen as indispensable.—Melanie Wachsmann, Reference/Teen Librarian, Lone Star College-CyFair Branch Library, Cypress, Texas


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