A Year of Programs for Millennials. By Amy Alessio, Katie Lamantia, and Emily Vinci. Chicago: ALA, 2015. 216 p. Paper $49.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1332-1).

For librarians who wish to start or revamp their library programming for millennials, this book is full of excellent ideas. The book starts out with a discussion of who the millennials are as well as information about what patrons of various ages—from late teens to the 40s—want in a library program. The authors also share the story of how their own library programs geared towards millennials led to this book.

The book is divided by month, each with four or five programs. Each month begins with a short paragraph introducing the topics that will be covered in the programs. Each program is presented in a consistent format, including preparation time (shopping, marketing, etc.), an estimation of the length of the program activities, the optimal number of attendees, the suggested age range, a shopping list, setup activities (contacting speakers and marketing), making it happen on the day of the program, variations of the program for different ages groups or for virtual participation, and finally “power promotion,” which gives tips and tricks to promote your program in different ways. The last chapter provides ideas about popular programs that can grow into a club or a regular program offered on a more permanent basis.

The programs in this book include ideas about many different topics and activities, such as travel, health, movie night, karaoke, self-publishing, and food. This book is not only an excellent addition to public and academic libraries, but it could also be useful for community centers and other groups that provide activities for adults. This is an essential purchase for those with an interest in providing innovative programming for their patrons, especially those who fall into this specific age group.—Melanie Wachsmann, Reference/Teen Librarian, Lone Star College-CyFair Branch Library, Cypress, Texas


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