Chapter 5. Principle 5: Measure Use and Encourage Reuse
Chapter 5 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 52, no. 8), “Social Media Optimization: Principles for Building and Engaging Community”
Discusses Principle 5: measure use and encourage reuse. Measuring use recognizes that users want to share, repost, and embed resources into multiple social networks and that libraries can utilize a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to measure the use of content. Libraries can furthermore encourage reuse by developing a culture of sharing and reuse in the community. The application of this principle can help create a self-sustaining community of engaged users who regularly use the library and its spaces, services, and collections.
Ines Mergel, “A Framework for Interpreting Social Media Interactions in the Public Sector,” Government Information Quarterly 30, no. 4 (October 2013): 327–34,
“Google Analytics Solutions,” Google website, accessed June 1, 2016,
Jody Condit Fagan, “The Suitability of Web Analytics Key Performance Indicators in the Academic Library Environment,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 40, no. 1 (January 2014): 25–34,
Le Yang and Joy M. Perrin, “Tutorials on Google Analytics: How to Craft a Web Analytics Report for a Library Web Site,” Journal of Web Librarianship 8, no. 4 (2014): 404–17,
Kirk Hess, “Discovering Digital Library User Behavior with Google Analytics,” Code4Lib Journal, no. 17 (June 2012), http://journal
Tabatha Farney, “Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager,” Library Technology Reports 52, no. 7 (August/September 2016).
“Analytics,” Twitter website, accessed June 25, 2016,
Scott W. H. Young, “Measuring the Value of Social Media Buttons,” Scott W. H. Young (blog), March 10, 2014,
Graham Francis and Ashraf Chohan, “GOV.UK Social Sharing Buttons: The First 10 Weeks,” Inside GOV.UK (blog), February 20, 2014,
Erik Runyon, “Social Media Click Stats,” WeedyGarden (blog), February 27, 2014,
Scott W. H. Young, “Improving Library User Experience with A/B Testing: Principles and Processes,” Weave 1, no. 1 (2014),
Creative Commons website, accessed June 2, 2016,
“Explore / Creative Commons,” Flickr website, accessed June 2, 2016,
“Commons: Reusing Content Outside Wikimedia,” Wikimedia Commons website, accessed June 2, 2016
“Search,” Creative Commons website, accessed June 2, 2016,
Molly Kleinman, “The Beauty of ‘Some Rights Reserved’: Introducing Creative Commons to Librarians, Faculty, and Students,” College and Research Libraries News, 69, no. 10 (2008): 594–97.
Hannah Bennett, Patty Guardiola, and Rebecca Stuhr, “Finding Open Access Images: Overview,” April 3, 2016, Penn State University Library Guide,
Meg Kribble, “Finding Public Domain & Creative Commons Media,” June 9, 2016, Harvard Law School Library Guide
“Wild Ringtones for Your Phone,” Acoustic Atlas website, accessed June 5, 2016,
“Welcome to the Public Domain,” Stanford University Library Copyright & Fair Use website, accessed June 12, 2016,
“App Library,” Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) website, accessed June 3, 2016,
Adam Malantonio, “Historical Cats,” Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) website, accessed June 3, 2016,
“DPLAFest 2015,” Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) website, accessed June 3, 2016,
“Clepanapy,” “Hacking the DPLA: DPLA to Present at Code4Lib Conference in February 2013,” News (blog), January 15, 2013, Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) website, accessed June 3, 2016,
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