Digital Library Programs for Libraries and Archives: Developing, Managing, and Sustaining Unique Digital Collections. By Aaron D. Purcell. Chicago: ALA Neal-Shuman, 2016. 256 p. $85.00 softcover (ISBN 978-0-8389-1450-2).

Digital Library Programs for Libraries and Archives: Developing, Managing, and Sustaining Unique Digital Collections is a well-organized text that helps readers better understand the historical context and development of digital collections in libraries into the present, and provides a useful step-by-step process for the management and sustainment of digital programs with the goal to move the concept of a digital program into reality. This text serves as a workbook for leaders and managers in libraries and archives and is highly relevant to all levels of staff including students that are involved or interested in the process of creating a digital program. The use of this text can extend to practitioners working with digital collections in government agencies and corporations in the public or private sector. Creating a digital program is still a relatively new endeavor for many institutions with limited resources and is often misunderstood by those with limited knowledge of the process. This text can help these professionals understand the different facets and requirements of creating and sustaining a digital program while maintaining a big picture view.

As a current professor and special collections director at Virginia Tech, and a former archivist at the University of Tennessee, Purcell writes from the collective perspective and experience of someone who has worked with digital collections and created digital programs in an academic environment. Most will find his strategies and exercises applicable for institutions and projects both large and small. The text does not contain technical jargon or explain how to digitize, how to apply digital forensics, recommend specific technology, or standards needed for the preservation of digital objects. Rather, the author provides highly useful strategies and exercises that serve to guide readers like librarians, archivists, students, and anyone involved or interested in creating a digital program. Purcell does not refer to any specific case studies in his text but indicates that the literature is full of stories of other professionals’ digital projects and program experiences that make excellent resources for the novice. Purcell points out the existence of limited resources that serve a role to guide practitioners through the systematic process for developing a digital library program and provides this text as a way to fill that gap (xviii).

This book is systematically divided into three parts with many of the chapters ending with “Key Points” that provide a summary of the concepts and ideas covered in the chapter. Part one consists of three chapters that outline the historical context of digital libraries and how various professions influenced their development. In addition, it covers advances in technology, patron expectations and the effect these developments have on library services and the changes in the library’s role and environment. Also covered are reasons why digital collections are created, highlights of important aspects of the development, and long-term needs of a digital library program.

The chapters in part two outline the detailed process needed for the creation, planning, and management of a digital library program and, in particular, the importance of creating a vision for the future of the program. The author justifies the preparatory aspects of planning for a digital program while providing reasons why many programs fail. Purcell stresses that developing a vision is crucial to create a “sense of purpose” and is a “powerful motivational tool” that provides opportunities to strengthen and improve the program while creating an image of the future for the program (65).

Challenges and roadblocks are to be expected in different aspects of the process. To overcome many of these issues, Purcell explains the importance of utilizing resources and partnerships wisely, the process of evaluating and selecting materials for digital collections and their consequences, followed by a discussion about preservation needs like standards and metadata, and outreach and methods of sustainability. Acting like a workbook, the set of open-ended questions after each chapter are designed to help the reader thoughtfully organize and develop a plan, prepare for challenges, and define technical needs to efficiently manage the project.

Many librarians are stymied by the technical know-how needed to curate and preserve digital objects. Purcell takes the stress off the practitioner by saying that it is not necessary to be knowledgeable of every aspect about technology in order to be successful (114). Purcell recommends that one or more of the team members working on the project are up to date on the technology, standards, and best practices resulting in a team of professionals whose varied knowledge and experience come together to strengthen the project and its success (114). Working with a team and utilizing partnerships will help ensure the success of the program.

Purcell reviews the technical standards and their importance without making specific recommendations. Particularly helpful is his “technical elements of digitization” on page 118 that entail the four elements: creation, inputs, repository, and output along with figure 7.3. This reviewer found his explanation an easy to understand, simplified version of the OAIS Reference Model.1 However, Purcell does not specifically name the model as a resource for the reader. The OAIS reference model, immensely influential in digital preservation, outlines a framework of concepts and functions needed for the preservation of digital objects. The reference model is a recommended component for anyone involved in the management of digital programs and should be mentioned as an important resource for digital preservation in this chapter.

Part three consists of eight exercises pertaining to digital library planning and relates to topics covered in the prior chapters. These exercises encourage the reader to engage thoughtfully to build a vision and create a variety of plans and preparational lists that support the creation and development of a digital program. The exercises are followed by a bibliography and list of relevant websites for those interested in learning about best practices and other institutions involved in the world of digital collections.

Scanning a collection of images is not all it takes to create a digital program. The author fulfills his goal to outline the varied and faceted aspects necessary to run and maintain a digital program or project with attention to the varieties of necessary metadata, and standards, without making specific recommendations. Other necessary aspects include a preservation plan, consideration of technological needs or limitations, followed by buy-in, long-term support, outreach, and integrating the day-to-day processes into the daily workflow of the department. Overall, Purcell has provided a detailed, thorough, and thoughtful step-by-step process for beginning practitioners who are interested in creating, managing, and sustaining digital archives programs. This reviewer highly recommends this text for practitioners who need guidance and those who can use a refresher. Both are bound to pick up new ideas to enhance their digital program management skills.—Meghan Bailey (, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, Massachusetts


  1. Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems - CCSDS. Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS): Recommended practice, Issue 2. CCSDS 650.0-M-2. Magenta Book (Washington, DC: CCSDS, June 2012),


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