Book Review: Digital Library Programs for Libraries and Archives: Developing, Managing, and Sustaining Unique Digital Collections

Meghan Bailey


Digital Library Programs for Libraries and Archives: Developing, Managing, and Sustaining Unique Digital Collections is a well-organized text that helps readers better understand the historical context and development of digital collections in libraries into the present, and provides a useful step-by-step process for the management and sustainment of digital programs with the goal to move the concept of a digital program into reality. This text serves as a workbook for leaders and managers in libraries and archives and is highly relevant to all levels of staff including students that are involved or interested in the process of creating a digital program. The use of this text can extend to practitioners working with digital collections in government agencies and corporations in the public or private sector. Creating a digital program is still a relatively new endeavor for many institutions with limited resources and is often misunderstood by those with limited knowledge of the process. This text can help these professionals understand the different facets and requirements of creating and sustaining a digital program while maintaining a big picture view.

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