lrts: Vol. 53 Issue 3: p. 138
Peggy Johnson

I am part of an informal group of library and information science (LIS) editors who met for the first time in January 2008 to discuss common concerns and identify ethical guidelines and best practices. Our goal is to strengthen the ability of LIS journals to serve the discipline and the professionals who create and rely on that literature. Other disciplines have similar groups, and we felt that the time had come for LIS editors to articulate the guidelines and standards that we perceive as important and that we have promoted in the literature as desirable in all disciplines. In addition, we are trying to create a vital resource for authors, editorial board members, paper referees, and new LIS editors.

To achieve these purposes, we have created a website, Library and Information Science Editors (, and have begun to populate it. One useful section, “Resources,” offers bibliographies of sources and links to tools for editors, authors, and reviewers. I strongly encourage authors who are considering writing and submitting a paper to Library Resources and Technical Services to consult the resources for authors.

Our primary focus during the last eighteen months has been on developing a draft, “A Statement of Ethics and Guide to Best Practices for Editors of Library and Information Science Journals,” which begins with the following:

Ethics are principles of conduct or standards of behavior governing an individual or a profession. The integrity of our journals rests on the professionalism of its authors, referees, and editors. The statements here describe ethical behavior for participants in the editorial processes of recruitment, selection, and production of publishable articles. Editors should conform to high standards of integrity generally and must also act ethically in their relationships with their publishers, reviewers and editorial board members, and authors. In addition, some principles are articulated for ethical behavior by authors in submitting their work to editorial processes and for ethical behavior by referees in the review process.1

The document concludes with a guide to best practices that are in place for many LIS journals and are recommended goals for all journals. This section addresses electronic formats, authors rights practices, preservation, and standards and pertinent standards organizations.

I am excited by the collective energy of this informal group and its commitment to publishing the highest quality papers and developing resources and tools to advance this mission. Please visit the website and let me know what you think.

1. Library & Information Science Editors, "“A Statement of Ethics and Guide to Best Practices for Editors of Library and Information Science Journals,”";∼doc/public-draft-lis-editor-statements-1-0.pdf (accessed Mar. 29, 2009)Mar. 2009 8


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