Lellers To the Editor: My article, "Grass Roots Cataloging and Classilication,"which was publiihed in the ]uly 1996 issue of LRTS, contained a blind re{'erenceon p. 275.'the article by Talor (f995) should have been listed in the references asfbllows: Taylor,Arlene. 1995.On the subjectof subjects.Journal of academiclibrarianship 21,no.6: 484-91. I apologize lbr the oversight and hope that you will publish this letter asa currelction.-Daoid G. Dod.d. Cataloger and Archioist, Kr,aemerFamily Libntnl, lJnioersity ofColoradn at Colorudo Sirings To the Editor: In the July lgg6 issueoI'LRTS, Brendan f. Wyly writes about user behavior with large -retrievals {'rom online public accesscatalog (OPAC) searches. Regardingour analysisofsuch behavior, he statei-(pp.2l3-14), "were such a searcher to scan only the lirst of several hundred screens, {ind [a] book, and then nonpersistence in scanning records." Mr. Wyly apparently believes that in our studies of userpersistence,we consideredusers to be overloaded if they linked to a catalogrecord giving shelflocation but did not scan all records retrieved. Mr. Wyly has misunderstood our method. We assumedthat anytime a user link; 1o even a single recori that gives shelf location, the user may have h"ada successlulsearch.In these instanceswe made no inf'erence about whether the user was overloaded, nor did we attempt to measurethe persistenceof suchuser-1. As we statedin "User Persistencein Scanto sewe asastarting point Ibr shelf searching lirr booksabouia sublect.Becausecall numbers are lbund in detailed LCS records, this assumption means that, with LCS, a userwho isnot overloaded will lind and display at least one detailed record if his or her searchretrieves the known item sought or an item that the user thinks is about the subiectsought." (For those unlamiliar with LCS, rJt.ie.ri.tg a detailed record is similar to the process of linking that Mr. Wyly fbcuses upon.) Stmilarly, ii "User Persistence in Displalng Online Catalog Postings:LUIS," LRfS-gg' Z5O, we state: 'iThe user could display one or more bibli


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