Meaning in the Use of Freedom: The Free Press Underground, the University of Missouri, and Students for a Democratic Society

Chris Drew


The Free Press Underground was an independent newspaper edited and published by University of Missouri students in the 1960’s. Four students were arrested for distributing a February,1969 edition of the paper. One of those students was ultimately expelled. Her name was Barbara Papish. She and the ACLU took the MU’s Board of Curators to court, and ultimately made it to the Supreme Court in 1973. Papish’s expulsion was ruled unconstitutional. 

A deeper analysis of the historical context surrounding this incident will reveal the ongoing power struggle and antagonism shared between the University and the student publishers, and draw lessons for contextualizing free speech incidents. This will be shown as necessary for seeing the underlying purpose, intent, and meaning buried beneath the oft over simplified struggle for public opinion surrounding morality and freedom, as exemplified by this incident.

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