The Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone by Ryan J. Dowd

Megan Young


Every public librarian, or library staff member, has interacted with a patron suffering from homelessness. Some of the interactions are favorable, while others are less than savory, and some might even be down-right dangerous and involve the police. Dowd, as a lawyer and director of Hesed House, a shelter for the homeless, takes his experience and presents the reader with tools and suggestions to build a more amiable relationship with the homeless population who attend the library. The style of this book is more storytime-esque rather than being a dry how-to guide. At the beginning of each section Dowd gives the reader personal experience, or a story about a coworker, which shows his investment and dedication, making the book a more enjoyable, and credible, read.

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