
ALA Midwinter GODORT Committee Highlights

Education Committee Meeting Summary

The Education Committee met to discuss ongoing work on the Voting & Election Toolkits, Racism in Government research guide, and Help! I’m an Accidental Government Librarian webinar series. It was agreed that the Education Committee would solicit volunteers to help maintain and update the Voting & Election Toolkits and a Google Form would be created for users of the toolkits to suggest changes. Work on the tentatively titled Racism in Government research guide will restart this winter with a focus on federal government documents related to voting. The working group on that guide will meet to chart a course forward.—Kian Flynn, Chair, Education Committee

Legislation Committee Meeting Summary

The Legislation Committee discussed GPO’s proposed revisions to Title 44, including potential impact on the FDLP. The Committee also reviewed a two-page overview of the FDLP created by GPO to communicate with Members of Congress, and discussed possible strategies for GODORT to improve support for advocacy. Additionally, the Committee discussed an initial draft proposal to initiate a GODORT preservation grant program. —Shari Laster, Chair, Legislation Committee

Cataloging Committee Meeting Summary

  1. Motion to approve the November 4, 2020 Virtual Meeting minutes—motioned by Scott Matheson, seconded by Stephen Kharfen, approved.
  2. Library Services & Content Management Update (Stephen Kharfen, GPO)
    1. Gave summary of the LCSM update posted to FDLP.gov.
  3. Marcive Update (Jim Noel, Marcive, Inc. / CRDP)
    1. Rolling out about 40 new CRDP participants
    2. National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST records were brought in for other Marcive customers, about ½ so far as files are very large.
    3. Updated PURL’s for changed or new records
  4. Library of Congress Update (Dawn Rapoza, LC)
    1. Crawled more sties and added records for State Government documents and the U.S. web archives project.
  5. Chair Andie Craley noted the updates she sent to Technology Committee.
  6. Chair Andie Craley gave Steering Committee Updates
  7. Updates on the 3 Cataloging Toolbox LibGuides—https://godort.libguides.com/cataloging (Andrea Morrison, chair of working group)
    1. Updates on release for Cataloging Toolbox for State Government Information
      1. Andrea M. received emails of information from State Documents Collaborative —Group
      2. Looking for someone who can work so there is no duplication in the State Government Information LibGuide and other places, would like to make progress by July, contact Andrea M (amorriso@indiana.edu). Jim Noel (jnoel@marcive.com) can also update the LibGuides.
    2. Update on Accessibility—Simon Healey
      1. Still working through the LibGuides checking on accessibility, no glaring errors so far on SpringShare. Simon is using WAVE accessibility evaluation tool and must check page-by-page.
      2. Looking for a best practice document that academic libraries use, will research, Lynda Kellam checked with her institution and shared a document.
      3. Simon to put out a request for information on Accessibility Interest Group to RUSA, CORE, ACRL.
  8. RDA Cataloging Standard Update & CC: DA Report—RDA: Resource Description and Access (Cate Kellett)
    1. No new report, Cate’s first meeting as CC:DA Liaison will be February 5, posted to meeting chat the upcoming CC:DA meetings scheduled: Feb 5 from 2-4 PM EST; Feb 9 from 11AM-1 PM EST; Feb 12 from 1-3 PM EST.
    2. Committee member Andrea Morrison noted the new RDA Toolkit has been published as of December 15, 2020, but the LCC PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging) policy statements have not been created yet for training purposes. Meeting attendee Eva Sorrell noted in chat that PCC implementation will not be before July 2022. Andrea M. asked Dawn Rapoza if there is any updated PTCP training.
    3. GPO’s Stephen Kharfen gave link for GPO formed RDA3 Study Group: https://www.fdlp.gov/project-list/the-new-version-of-resource-description-and-access-rda-gpo-s-preparations-and-impacts-on-the-fdlp-community
    4. Committee member Simon Healey wondered if overall ALA CORE could help more with RDA training—perhaps in their cataloging and RDA webinars: http://www.ala.org/alcts/confevents/upcoming/webinar/cat
  9. Old Business
    1. Action Items
      1. Updates on Committee organizing or promoting already existing webinars or tutorials on cataloging Federal Documents, on weeding SuDocs, etc.
      2. Final revision to the survey questions to be inputted into a Google Forms survey
      3. Chair Andie C. working to upload and organize Cataloging Committee documents that I have when I came on board in 2019 to a GODORT Cataloging Google Drive and to follow-up that past agendas and minutes are posted to the webpage by the Technology committee.
  10. New Business
    1. Michael Alguire has taken James Rodgers’s open 2020-21 position on the Cataloging Committee.
    2. Chair Andie C. sent Committee members link to GODORT Cataloging Committee Google Drive where minutes will be stored. Committee members confirmed they are able to access it.
    3. Creating possible GODORT Friday chat topics, suggested at November 4th meeting—more follow-up? Discussion on various topics to continue via emails and probably at next committee meeting.
    4. Consider putting together a proposal for GPO based on their 11/23/20 email to FDLP with regards to “Teach the FDLP Community Your Library’s Workflows for Federal Publications”?
  11. Announcements
    1. Updates about programs and sessions at ALA Midwinter Virtual 2021 and CORE Virtual Summit and an OCLC Cataloging Community Virtual Meeting.
    2. Andrea Morrison would like to work with someone together for an article for DttP on the new RDA Toolkit, anyone on committee please contact Andrea M. Seek committee help first, then perhaps Lynda Kellam could put a message out on GODORT Connect for interest.

—Andie Craley, Chair, Cataloging Committee


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