Editor’s Corner
I’ve been avoiding writing this “Editor’s Corner” for a while because I’m in the midst of a major case of writer’s block. I haven’t written much of anything in a while, for work or fun, and sitting down to write this was daunting. There’s a bit of irony in admitting that I’m dealing with writer’s block when I rely on all of you to overcome your own version and submit papers to me, but I like to think that I’m keeping it real by being open about my own professional struggles. Writing is HARD.
It’s been a busy summer at my library and in the government documents world, which I’ve been using as an excuse for not pushing myself to write. Locally, I’m sitting down to write this between orienting some RAs and facilitating an all staff convocation. On a national level our community is having conversations about Title 44. Oh, and I guess there’s an eclipse happening or something? (Sorry to everyone who just cringed at the memory of all those requests for eclipse glasses. I heard they’re the new tax forms.) On a personal note, I’ve just stepped into my one-year term as chair of the library faculty at my institution, which is exciting and a little terrifying. In short, there’s a lot going on in the world, and that doesn’t even begin to approach current events.
I’ll finish this out by telling you a little bit about this issue’s cover and why I chose it. Those of you who follow me on social media or have talked to me about my nonwork life for any amount of time probably know that I’m a cat owner. (My husband and I have three cats. They’re all jerks, but we love them anyway.) What some of you may not know is that I live just a half mile from the Gerald R. Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where both the President and First Lady are buried. It’s a great museum that has been recently renovated and also has the distinction of being the only Presidential Museum governed by National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) that is separate from its accompanying library. (That’s across the state at the University of Michigan, President Ford’s alma mater.) When I saw a NARA photograph combining both Gerald R. Ford and a kitty, I knew it was fate. (I also have a really funny story about how I accidentally kidnapped my neighbor’s cat when he jumped into my car and decided to rename him Ford. Luckily we got “Ford” aka Markley home to his people before the end of the day.)
Also, lest you think that cat is completely miserable, here’s another photo where he or she looks a bit more relaxed. I’ve also included an alternate caption to our cover photo, courtesy of my husband, who I’m pretty sure doesn’t actually want credit for it.
“I may have chosen the wrong side. That Carter fellow has a farm . . .”
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