Research Roundup: Thinking Outside the Square: Cultivating Adult and Youth Creativity

Lisa M. Sensale Yazdian, Betsy Diamant-Cohen


Although we have experienced great advances in scientific and technological knowledge over the decades, research suggests that the pace of innovation is slowing down. Creativity is “the process of having original ideas that have value,” yet a recent article surveying decades worth of data and patents reports that innovative papers and patents in science and technology are becoming less disruptive over time.

Since 1990, children have experienced compelling losses in scores on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT). In 2010, educational psychologist, Kyung Hee Kim coined the term “creativity crisis” to refer to this steady decline.

Having a creative thought and following it through with action is what has enabled humans to evolve. Without creativity, we would not have vaccines to combat illnesses, we would not have flush toilets, and we would not have libraries with electronic check-out systems. Creativity gives us the ability to face new problems and the courage to envision and try different solutions until we find the right one.

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