The Better to See You With: Peering into the Story of Little Red Riding Hood, 1695–1939

Angela J. Reynolds


I received the 2017 Bechtel Fellowship and spent a month in Gainesville, Florida, from mid-April through mid-May, trekking each day to the University of Florida. There I pored over hundreds of volumes containing the story of Little Red Riding Hood and spent my weekends compiling data or visiting wildlife parks in search of alligators (which were in abundance).

The story of Little Red Riding Hood has fascinated me since childhood, and now I am even more intrigued. Intense study of this story has led me to many fine explorations into the tale and has helped me understand the history of children’s book publishing. The Bechtel Fellowship gave me the opportunity to learn a great deal about a specific story, and sharing this knowledge enables me to spread my love of story and children’s books with others. Below is my report from my month of study.

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“Codex 196,” 59v, CEEC: Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis, University of Köln, Germany, accessed November 13, 2017,

Little Red Riding Hood (Chicago: Donohue and Co., 1906).

John L. Mitchell, “Big Bad Bottle of Wine Does in Red Riding Hood Schoolbook,” Los Angeles Times, May 19, 1990,

James L. Matterer, “Sambocade Cheesecake,” A Boke of Gode Cookery Recipes, 2000,

Catherine Ornstein, Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked (New York: Basic Books, 2002), 26.

Sabine Baring-Gould, The Book of Werewolves (London: Smith, Elder, and Co, 1865),;view=1up;seq=11.

R. Henry Stoddard, Little Red Riding Hood (New York: J. G. Gregory, 1864), 11.

Angela J. Reynolds, “The Better to See You With, Part 1: Exploring Little Red Riding Hood at the Baldwin Collection, University of Florida” (Bechtel Fellowship, 2017), accessed Nov. 13, 2017,

W. W. Denslow, W. W. Denslow’s Little Red Riding Hood (New York: G. W. Gillingham Co., 1903).

Angela J. Reynolds, “The Better to See You With, Part 2: Exploring Little Red Riding Hood at the Baldwin Collection, University of Florida” (Bechtel Fellowship, 2017), accessed November 13, 2017,

Charles Perrault, Contes de la mère l’oye [Tales of Mother Goose] (New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1956).

Jack Zipes, The Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood (New York: Routledge, 1993).



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