On Being White: A Raw, Honest Conversation

Allie Jane Bruce


I’m white. But I didn’t start describing myself that way until adulthood. In fact, I doggedly avoided it. In high school, I once crossed out “white” and wrote “half Jewish” on a standardized test. I knew I was white, but I also knew that
it was not good to name whiteness. Black history, we could talk about, in Social Studies (during certain units). Latino cultures were celebrated (or, at least, acknowledged) in my Spanish classes. But the whiteness that served as the foundation for the other 99 percent of my life was taboo. Nobody ever said “as a white girl, I think . . .” or “white people like us . . .” in my (totally
white) circles.

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Lesli A. Maxwell, “U.S. School Enrollment Hits Majority-Minority Milestone.” Education Week (August 19, 2014), accessed May 15, 2015, www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2014/08/20/01demographics.h34.html.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/cal.13n3.3


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