Where Fantasy and Facts Meet: Fairy Science Books from 1870 to 1900

Natalie Ziarnik


Natalie Ziarnik is the Head of the Children’s Department at the Ela Area Public Library District in Lake Zurich, Illinois. She is a member of the Hans Christian Andersen Nominating Committee.

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Stuart Dodgson Collingwood, The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Project Gutenberg E-Book http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11483/11483-h/11483-h.htm#CHAPTER_11_T).

John Amos Comenius, Orbis Pictus, A facsimile of the first English edition of 1659 introduced by John E. Sadler (London: Oxford UP, 1968).

Caleb Bingham, An Astronomical and Geographical Catechism for the Use of Children, 2nd edition. Published According to an Act of Congress (Boston: S. Hall, 1796): 5.

Tom Telescope, Tom Telescope’s Newtonian Philosophy. The Newtonian Philosophy in General explained and illustrated by familiar objects in a series of entertaining lectures by Tom Telescope (London: Thomas Tegg and Son, 1838): 157. Originally published by John Newbery in 1761.

Priscilla Wakefield, An Introduction to Botany, in a Series of Familiar Letters, with Illustrative Engravings, 2nd edition (London: E. Newbery, 1789): 2.

Peter Parley, The Wonders of the Telescope, or First Elements of Astronomy, According to the Latest Discoveries (London: Darton and Clark, between 1836 and 1845): 22–23.

John Henry Pepper, The Boy’s Playbook of Science: including the various manipulations and arrangements of chemical and philosophical apparatus (London: Routledge Warne, 1860): 119.

Arabella B. Buckley, The Fairy-Land of Science (London: Edward Stanford, 1878): 4.

A.L.O.E., Fairy Frisket, or, Peeps at Insect Life (London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1870): 15.

A.L.O.E., Fairy Know-a-Bit; or, a Nutshell of Knowledge (London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1870).

A.L.O.E., Fairy Frisket, or, Peeps at Insect Life, 105.

Lucy Rider Meyer, Fairy Land of Chemistry: Explorations in the World of Atoms (Boston: Lothrop, 1887).

Judy Taylor et al., Beatrix Potter: 1866–1943. The Artist and Her World (London: Warne, 1987): 90–91.

Beatrix Potter, Fairy Caravan (London: Frederick Warne & Co., 1929): 217.

Eve Curie Labouisse, Madame Curie: A Biography (New York: William Heinemann, 1938): 371. Translated by Vincent Sheean.

“Einstein’s Folklore,” Folklife Today (blog), December 18, 2013, http://blogs.loc.gov/folklife/2013/12/einsteins-folklore/.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/CAL.13n2.5


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