The Alert Collector: Key Sources of Multinational Data on Conventional and Nuclear Armaments
I am pleased to offer this column on sources of conventional and nuclear armaments. Author David Lincove has taken a very complicated research topic and provided clear and concise descriptions of where to find data and other types of information. Many of the items in his column are web-only resources that would make a fine addition to subject guides in the military sciences, peace studies, political science, international relations, and more.—Editor
Löbell’s Jahresberichte über die Veränderungen und Fortschritte im Militärwesen [Löbell’s Annual Reports on Changes and Progress in the Military] (Berlin: Mittler, 1874–1905). . . Succeeding editions: V. Löbell’s Jahresberichte über das Heer- und Kriegswesen [V. Löbell’s Annual Reports on Military and Warfare] (Berlin: Mittler, 1906–1913, 1926–1928).
Rüstung und Abrüstung: eine Umschau über d. Heer- u. Kriegswesen aller Länder [Armor and Disarmament: A Look Around the Army and War System of All Countries] (Berlin: Mittler, 1929–1935).
Alois Veltzé and Hugo Kerchnawe, Veltzé Armee-Almanach: ein Militär-Statistisches Handbuch aller Heere [Veltzé Army Almanac: A Military Statistical Handbook of All Armies] (Vienna: C.W. Stern, 1906–1914).
Armaments Year-Book (Geneva: League of Nations, 1924–1940); Statistical Year-Book of the Trade in Arms, Ammunition (Geneva: League of Nations, 1924–1925).
Statistical Information on the Trade in Arms and Ammunition, and Materials of War (Geneva: League of Nations, 1926–1928).
Statistical Year-Book of the Trade in Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War (Geneva: League of Nations, 1929–1938).
“Military Spending: Background,” UN Report on Military Expenditures, accessed March 30, 2018,
“Foreword,” Military Balance (London: Institute of Strategic Studies, 1961), 1. Original publications: The Soviet Union and NATO: The Military Balance (IIS, 1959).
Communist Bloc and the Free World: The Military Balance (IIS, 1960).
Communist Bloc and the Western Alliance: The Military Balance (IIS, 1961 and 1962).
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, World-wide Defense Expenditures (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1966) with data for 1964.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, World-wide Military Expenditures (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1967) with data for 1965.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, World Military Expenditures, 4 Vols. (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1968–1973) with data for 1966–1971.
United States, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, World Military Expenditures and Arms Trade, 20 Vols. (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1965–1999) with data for 1963–1997.
World Military and Social Expenditures (Leesburg, VA: World Priorities Inc., 1974–1996).
Ruth Leger Sevard’s World Priorities, Inc., accessed April 3, 2018,
NATO Public Diplomacy Division, “Defence Expenditures of NATO Countries (2009–2016),” press release PR/CP(2016)116, July 4, 2016,
European Network against Arms Trade, accessed March 30, 2018,
IHS Jane’s World Armies (IHS Global, 2012–), preceded by Jane’s World Armies (Alexandria, VA: Jane’s Information Group, 1996–2011).
IHS Jane’s World Air Forces (IHS Global, 2012–), preceded by Jane’s World Air Forces (Alexandria, VA: Jane’s Information Group, 2000–2011).
IHS Jane’s World Navies (IHS Global, 2012–), preceded by Jane’s World Navies (Alexandria, VA: Jane’s Information Group, 2008–2011).
“Status of World Nuclear Forces,” Federation of American Scientists (FAS), accessed March 30, 2018,
“FAS Nuclear Notebook,” FAS, accessed March 30, 2018,
“Nuclear Information Project Publications,” FAS, accessed March 30, 2018,
“Nuclear Arsenals,” International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, accessed March 30, 2018,
“About Us,” Ploughshares Fund, accessed March 30, 2018,
“World Nuclear Weapon Stockpile,” Ploughshares Fund, accessed March 30, 2018,
“Nuclear Notebook: Nuclear Arsenals of the World,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, accessed March 30, 2018,
“About the Arms Control Association,” Arms Control Association, accessed March 30, 2018,
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