Book Review: People of Color in the United States: Contemporary Issues in Education, Work, Communities, Health, and Immigration

Sally Moffitt


People of Color in the United States: Contemporary Issues in Education, Work, Communities, Health, and Immigration is composed of four separately titled and individually edited volumes that follow a common organizing pattern for sale as a set: Education: K–12 and Higher Education (volume 1), Employment, Housing, Family, and Community (volume 2), Health and Wellness (volume 3), and Immigration and Migration (volume 4). Each volume opens with a listing of its contents. These consist of a “Guide to Related Topics,” a “Preface,” an “Introduction,” “Essays” listed by title in alphabetical order, “Perspectives and Debate” (many of which pose a question that offers a pro and con response), “Recommended Resources,” “About the Editors and Contributors,” and a comprehensive “Index” to all four volumes.

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