The Alert Collector: Depository Collection Management: Databases and Web-Based Resources as Assessment Tools

Charmaine Henriques


While the “Alert Collector” has generally presented columns on building collections in specific topic areas, it is good to remember that managing collections involves more than just selection. It is essential that we also evaluate and weed collections on the basis of our users’ needs and interests as well as on our institutional policies. Here, Charmaine Henriques, liaison and subject specialist at the Northwestern University Libraries, discusses managing depository collections using two case studies.—Editor

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“Federal Depository Library Program,” Government Publishing Office, accessed November 17, 2015,

Peggy Johnson and Ebrary, Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management, 2nd ed. (Chicago: American Library Association, 2009), 371.

“Amending Your Library’s Selection Profile,” Federal Depository Library Program, accessed November 17, 2015,

“FDLP Desktop: Needs and Offers List,” Federal Depository Library Program, accessed November 17, 2015,

Mary A. Hartwell and United States Superintendent of Documents, Checklist of United States Public Documents 1789–1909, Congressional: To Close of Sixtieth Congress; Departmental: To End of Calendar Year 1909, 3rd ed., rev., and enl. (New York: Kraus Reprint, 1962).

John G. Ames and United States Superintendent of Documents, Comprehensive Index to the Publications of the United States Government, 1881–1893 (Washington, DC: GPO, 1905).

Benjamin Perley Poore, A Descriptive Catalog of the Government Publications of the United States, September 5, 1774–March 4, 1881 (Washington, DC: GPO, 1885).

Chella Vaidyanathan, “Selected Bibliography of US Government and International Documents on Latin America and the Caribbean,” Government Documents Round Table, accessed November 11, 2015,

Sylvia A. Nyana, “African America historical Documents Online from the Federal Government Pre and Post-Civil War,” DttP: Documents to the People 35, no. 3 (2007): 19–23.

Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, “Best Practices Documentation: Becoming a Center of Excellence for ASERL’s Collaborative Federal Depository Program,” Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, accessed November 17, 2015,

Chelsea Dinsmore and Valerie Glenn, “Building Better Relationships with ASERL’s Collaborative Federal Depository Program” (presented at the Federal Depository Library Conference and Fall Depository Library Council Meeting, Washington, DC, October 18, 2010).

John L. Andriot, Donna Batten Andriot, and Gale Group, Guide to US Government Publications (Farmington, MI: Gale Research, 2015).

Johnson and Ebrary, Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management, 236.



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