Management: Work for the Decision Makers: Literature Reviews as a High-Impact Service

Mary Naylor


For academic libraries to thrive, they must continue to find new ways to be relevant to their campus communities. In this column, Dustin Fife and Mary Naylor describe the Utah Valley University Library’s recent introduction of research services for campus administrators and decision makers—constituents who often are not directly served by campus libraries. This relatively new service already has facilitated increased access to university leaders and provided additional insight into academic affairs. As importantly, it has paid dividends for the library and librarians by raising awareness of what they have to offer.—Editor

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Karen Downing, Shevon Desai, and Pamela MacKintosh, “Helping the Hand That Feeds You: Supporting the Research Needs of Campus Executive Officers” (paper presented at the meeting of the American College and Research Libraries, Philadelphia, PA, 2011), accessed May 15, 2015,



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