Guest Editorial: Navigating Yet More Change

kalan Knudson Davis


My first introduction to Mary Beth Weber was a happy accident. I was running late between meetings during ALA Midwinter (yes, this was back in “The Before Times”) and the room, as they often were for cataloging and classification sessions, was packed. An empty seat was open next to Mary Beth, and I claimed it. Between speakers, she introduced herself as the editor of Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) and as head of technical services at Rutgers. The details of which conference or what particular session are hazy at this point, as it seems like so much of our life experience of the last two years has blurred what came before. What I do remember is that Mary Beth was there to proudly support her colleague’s work as he presented to that packed room, and she made a point of being a smiling and familiar face in his audience. After the Midwinter Meeting was over, I snail-mailed Mary Beth a thank you card, and was later invited to serve as an intern on the LRTS Editorial Board.

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