Holistic Collection Development and the Smithsonian Libraries

Salma Abumeeiz, Daria Wingreen-Mason


As part of a larger collections analysis study, this project outlines why a particular, underserved museum unit at the Smithsonian Institution is underutilizing the Smithsonian Libraries’ facilities and resources, and how the library can better support this unit’s unique research needs. Using a holistic methodology that weds quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study highlights the unit’s distinct research profile that includes the various logistical, emotional, and collection-related barriers that impede their usage of the Libraries. Findings from this study signal the utility of a holistic, user-centric methodology to gather pertinent data and facilitate ongoing, interpersonal dialogues between the Smithsonian Libraries and its diverse internal users.


Smithsonian Institution Libraires; Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage ; Holistic Collections Management ; Interpersonal Outreach

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/lrts.64n1.26


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