Book Review: Fundamentals of Electronic Resources Management

Jennifer C. Williams


The North American Serials Interest Groups’s (NASIG) Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians, published in 2013, casts light on a growing problem in twenty-first-century libraries: aspiring electronic resources librarians need an astonishing variety of skills.1 Because of their complex nature, these skills must be cultivated on the job. This book, by academic librarians Verminksi and Blanchat, provides a practical approach for such cultivation. Readers new to e-resources will find value in the authors’ clear descriptions of daily workflows, while those with more experience will find the explanations of “the interconnection between workflows and systems” (vii) enlightening. Chapters are divided into sections, each of which could warrant an entire book. This organizational structure provides readers with guideposts by which they can navigate the chapter or branch out into further research.

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