A Model for Assessing Digital Image Use and Needs

Stephen W. Paling, Melissa Miszkiewicz, June Abbas, Joseph Zambon


This study is presented as one possible model for assessing image use and needs that can inform planning for and creation of a digital image repository. The study described here specifically sought to provide basic knowledge about the current use of digital images in North American dental schools, as well as what future needs might occur among digital image users. It was conducted as part of an ongoing needs assessment for possible construction of an online repository of digitized dental images. The research team conducted semistructured interviews with a purposive sample of dental faculty members at a representative dental school, as well as a brief survey of academic deans. Findings indicated use of digital dental images is nearly ubiquitous among faculty members, but that not all of their needs are being met. The faculty members would benefit from access to an online repository of high-quality digital dental images with accompanying metadata.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/lrts.52n3.173


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Copyright (c) 2008 Stephen W. Paling, Melissa Miszkiewicz, June Abbas, Joseph Zambon

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