Electronic Journals in the Online Catalog: Selection and Bibliographic Control

Pamela Simpson, Robert Seeds


As the publishing of electronic journals increases, so does user demand for access to these items Librarians are faced with the tasks of selecting, acquiring, and providing access to electronic journals. Principles of selection used for materials in other formats should be the foundation for selecting electronic journals as well, but selectors must also be aware of unique aspects of these items, such as licensing agreements and hardware or software required to use them. Acquiring and cataloging electronic journals poses challenges in processes that were created to process items housed in physical carriers. Cataloging of these journals requires decision making at several different levels: these decision include choosing the number of records to be used and the content of those records. Procedures for ordering and cataloging electronic journals at the University Park Campus of the Pennsylvania State University Libraries are described. Successfully integrating electronic journals into the collection and the catalog requires close cooperation between selectors, reference librarians, and catalogers.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/lrts.42n2.126


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